FOI Request Ransomware

Request 101001437645

I seek the following information about the Local Authority’s cyber security strategy:

1. Has your department been a victim of Ransomware?
2.  If Yes - did you pay to release your data?
3. If yes, How much did you pay?
4. If no, how did you gain back control of your data?
5.  Do you have the following in place:
a.  Backup – if yes
I.  What software do you use?
I. When does your maintenance expire?
III. How many TB of Data do you back up?
b. Firewall – if yes:
I. What firewall do you use?
II. When does maintenance expire?
6. What Email system do you use, how many users?
7. Are you planning to migrate to Microsoft Office 365?
a. If yes, why?
b. Will you be adding extra security to this?
8. What email security solution do you use?
9. Do you use a public cloud provider, if so which one?
a. How do you secure the data in the cloud?

Response 20-03-2017

1. No

2. N/A

3. N/A

4.  N/A

5a. yes

I.  Commvault

I. 2019

III. 23.5TB

5b. Yes

I. Checkpoint

II.  2018

6. Microsoft Exchange,

7. No

a. N/A

b. N/A

8. N/A

9.  No


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