FOI Request ICT Services for 2017/18

Request 101001451383

A Organisation:
1.Within the council’s organisational structure who does the Head of ICT Services or the most senior IT Manager report to?
2. Please provide an organisational chart of your council’s management structure (please remove any personal information).
3. Please provide an organisational chart for ICT Services (please remove any personal information)..
4. Please provide job titles and the number of staff against each job title (please do not provide personal details).
5. What is the planned FTE and headcount of the council’s staff for 2017/18?
6. What is the planned FTE and the headcount of ICT Services for 2017/18?

B  Financial:
1. What is the council’s annual revenue budget for 2017/18?
2. What is the ICT Services annual revenue budget for 2017/18?
3. Does the ICT revenue budget include centralised telephony and mobile phone costs?
a. please provide the annual telephony and mobile phone budget 2017/18.
4. If not please provide the annual telephony and mobile phone budget for 2017/18.
5. Are any ICT budgets devolved to other services?
6. What capital funds for ICT are approved for 2017/18 onwards?

C  ICT Support:
1. Which ICT Services or functions (if any) are outsourced?
2. Are the costs of outsourced services contained within the ICT Services revenue budget?
3. Please provide details of functions and cost for 2017/18. (Vendor names are not required).
4. Does the council’s IT Services support the schools?
5. If not, who provides ICT support to schools?3

Response 30-03-2017

Section A

1-4. This information is available through a previous FOI published on the Moray Council website it is therefore exempt under section 25 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002- Information otherwise available. For ease of use the information can be found at

5 and 6. This information is not available as we are unable to provide planned information on head count. It is therefore exempt under section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 -  Information Not Held.

Section B

1. £199.949 million

2. £3.242 million

3. Yes

a. £0.044 million

4. N/A

5.  Yes

6.  £1.309 million


C  ICT Support:

1. None

2. N/A

3. N/A

4. Yes

5.  N/A

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