FOI Request Council Housing Hazards

Request 101001554636

1)How many complaints from tenants did the Council receive in total about private rental properties between July 2012 and July 2017, broken down by year

2)How many complaints from this total number were received in relation to Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO) during the period specified in Q1, broken down by year ?

3)How many inspections on private rental properties were carried out under the Housing Health and Safety Rating System? How many of these inspections were carried out on HMOs during the period specified in Q1, broken down by year?

4)How many category 1 hazards were discovered in total during the course of HHSRS inspections, and how many of these were discovered in HMOs during the period specified in Q1, broken down by year?

5)How many category 2 hazards were discovered in total during the course of HHSRS inspections, and how many of these were discovered in HMOs during the period specified in Q1, broken down by year?

6)Where complaints were received by the council during the period specified in Q1, how many resulted in:

i)No action being taken : total number, and number of HMOs - broken down by year

ii)Informal action taken against landlords: and number of HMOs - broken down by year

iii)formal enforcement action being taken against landlords: total number and number of HMOs - broken down by year

If this request is likely to exceed the cost limit, I would kindly request that you disregard questions 3 and 6 and focus on questions 1,2,4,5

Response 03-08-2017

1. 2012 (from 1 July): Three

2013: Four

2014: Four

2015: Six

2016: Five

2017 (up to 31 July): Five


2. 2012 (from 1 July): None

2013: None

2014: None

2015: Two

2016: Two

2017 (up to 31 July): Two


3-5. The types of housing rating inspections referred to in Questions 3 to 5 of your request are not undertaken by this authority therefore this information is exempt under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002- Information Not Held. 


6.    2012 (from 1 July: N/A

2013: N/A

2014: N/A

2015: Both by informal action

2016: Both by informal action

2017 (up to 31 July): Both by informal action

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