FOI Request Housing Benefit

Request 101001675260

For the last two tax years please provide the following information
A Whats was the total amount paid out in housing benefit to private sector landlords
B What was the total amount paid out in housing benefit to social housing providers
C What was the total amount of overpayments to

(A)  Private Sector Landlords and (B) Social Housing Providers
From the total amount of over payments to both social and private sector housing providers how much has (A) been and collected and (B) outstanding and (C )Written off

Response 19-12-2017

A. landlords 2015-16 £4,568,278, 2016-17 £4,487,001 

B 2015-16 £12,296,198, 2016-17 £12,637,476 

C We are not able to split totals between private sector and social sector so figures below represent overall totals.


(A)  Private Sector Landlords and (B) Social Housing Providers 2015-16 £432557, 2016-17 £412449.

(A)  2015-16 £367915.83, 2016-17 £359840.62 

(B)  2015-16 £46010.52, 2016-17 £47812.23 

(C )  2015-16 £18630.65, 2016-17 £4796.15.

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