FOI Request - Payment Technology
Request 101002397156
Does the local authority use any payment technology (such as, but not limited to, ParentPay,iPay etc) to allow parents to pay for school-related activities and services such as lunches, school trips etc online?
If yes:
1. How much did the local authority pay to the payment technology company in commission, transaction fees or other fees for the academic year August 2018 to June 2019?
What percentage of the cost does the payment technology firm charge the local authority for each transaction?
2. Is the cost of the payment technology firm's commission, transaction fees or other fees passed on to parents through increased cost of activities/lunches etc; paid by the local authority directly; or paid out of individual schools' budgets?
3. If more than one of the above, please specify which types of activities/services etc charge commissions through each of the avenues listed above.
4. How much (figure in £) of the commission, transaction fees or other fees paid to the payment technology firm in the financial year August 2018 to June 2019 was passed on to parents through increased cost of activities/lunches etc?
5. How much (figure in £) of the commission, transaction fees or other fees paid to the payment technology firm in the financial year August 2018 to June 2019 was paid by the local authority directly?
6. How much (figure in £) of the commission, transaction fees or other fees paid to the payment technology firm in the financial year August 2018 to June 2019 was paid out of individual schools' budgets?
Response 27-02-2020
1. £8167.00
1.29% reduced to 1.1% during the year
2. No
3. N/A
4. £0
5. £7456
6. £711