Economic Development & Infrastructure Committee
To exercise the functions of the Council as Roads and Lighting Authority, in addition to twinning, piers and harbours, environmental protection, industrial and commercial development and twinning and tourism.
A full description of the Economic Development and Infrastructure Services Committee’s functions can be found in Section III (F) of the Council’s Scheme of Administration.
Committee Membership
Cllr Leadbitter (Chair)
Cllr Coull (Depute Chair)
Cllr Bremner
Cllr Cowe
Cllr Cowie
Cllr Divers
Cllr Edwards
Cllr Feaver
Cllr Macrae
Cllr M Mclean
Cllr Morrison
Cllr Shepherd
Cllr Warren
Committee Contact
Lissa Rowan, Committee Services Officer
Tel: 01343 563015
Contact Us
Committee Services
Council Offices
High Street
IV30 1BX
01343 563014
01343 540183