Developer Obligations SG 2020
Developer obligations are financial contributions sought from applicants to mitigate the impact of their development on the existing infrastructure and facilities to ensure there is no negative impact on existing residents. When a development takes place, there may be a need for infrastructure and facilities to accompany it. This can include school extensions, new schools, roads, public transport, and healthcare facilities depending on the scale and location of the development.
The current Developer Obligations Supplementary Guidance came into effect on 30 September 2020 and forms part of the adopted Moray Local Development Plan 2020. The guidance provides certainty and sets out a transparent and consistent approach to the likely infrastructure and facility requirements that will be sought for different types of new development. The level of developer obligations sought will depend on the location and scale of development.
Developers or anyone planning to build their own home are encouraged to contact the Council’s Developer Obligations Team early on to ascertain whether developer obligations are to be sought during the planning application process, and if so the likely level, so that these can be accounted in the purchase price of the land/plot. Please contact for an assessment of the likely developer obligations for your proposal.
Please note in line with the Coronavirus (Scotland) Act 2020, paper copies of the Supplementary Guidance are not being made publicly available.