Skills Development Scotland

Gillian Nicoll, Nina Crocombe
01343 344006

Skills Development Scotland (SDS) is the national skills body supporting the people and businesses of Scotland. We are preparing Scotland's workforce to maximise opportunities in today's dynamic world.

Through our web service, My World of Work, anyone can access a host of useful tools to support the development of career management skills, and help to find out:

  • what you are good at
  • what's out there for you
  • who can help

Individuals can also access support via our contact centre on 0800 917 8000 or you can contact the Elgin centre directly on 0300 013 2103

For those requiring  a more intensive service we also offer advice, support and guidance on a face-to-face basis from our centre in Elgin.

Employers can access advice and information online on the range of programmes and financial assistance available to help them plan and recruit the skilled workforce they need, or alternatively contact our employer helpline on 0800 783 6000.

We also support the work of PACE (Partnership Action for Continuing Employment) a Scottish Government initiative, which is a partnership of organisations dedicated to providing the advice and guidance needed for those being made redundant or facing redundancy.

Stage 2 - SDS Work Coaching for identified cohort:

Stage 3 - SDS Career Coaching for identified cohort:-

Stage 4 - SDS Personal Advisers:

Stage 5 - SDS Work Coaching for up to six months for those at high risk of not sustaining a destination with support:

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