Guidance Note on Landscape and Visual Impacts of Cumulative Build Up of Houses in the Countryside

A guidance note (PDF) has been prepared to provide further advice on the landscape and visual impacts associated with the cumulative build-up of new houses in the open countryside.

The guidance note provides further detail to support the current Housing in the Countryside Supplementary Guidance. The guidance note is not statutory Supplementary Guidance but will be a material consideration when determining planning applications for housing in the countryside where cumulative build up is an issue.

The guidance note focuses on eight study areas identified as housing in the countryside hotspots. The study areas are:

  • Birnie
  • Archiestown
  • Rafford
  • Craigellachie
  • Miltonhill
  • Letterfourie/Hilton
  • Roseisle
  • Mosstowie

The guidance note identifies that there are limited opportunities to accommodate additional development within some of the study areas and others where no further development should be permitted. Paper copies are available to view at all of our libraries.

Cumulative build-up indicators have also been prepared to provide further detail on assessing build up and determining when it is unacceptable in areas outwith the identified study areas.

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