FOI Request - Capital Receipts

Request 101002060869

1. Can you please outline how much capital receipts were spent by your local authority in the last year (2018/19)?
a) Please outline how much of the capital receipts went to capital expenditure (and if so what projects) and how much went to the repayment of principal debt?
b) Please outline at the start of the year, what your LA's outstanding debt amounted to?
c) Please outline who the debt is owed to?
d) Please outline what annual costs of repayments and interest your LA pays towards PFI and NDF contracts?
e) Please outline if, capital receipts have gone towards the cost of LA redundancies?
f) If so, please outline what the cost is and how many redundancies it equated to and what service the redundancies related to.
g) Please outline how much council tax revenue, your local authority has taken so far in the year 2018/19

2. For the above questions, please answer questions for the years: 2014/15, 2015/16, 2016/17, 2017/18

Clarification: Include PPP and DBFM contracts

Response 01-03-2019

Please see the pdf document located here.

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