FOI Request - Auchernack House

Request 101002232423

With reference to Request 101002211157

Under FOI regulations who are the current owners and their anticedents.  Under Common Good Law, all property belonging to the Forres Town Council became Common Good property on its dissolution in 1975.  A property search reveals that the building is not registered in the Scottish Land Register and the listing in Appendix 3 above does not specify Land adjacent to Auchernack.

Response 23-08-2019

Auchernack House was conveyed to the Joint County Council of Moray and Nairn in 1950 - property can only be classed as common good if it was previously owned by a former burgh or town council. As Auchernack House was not previously owned by Forres Town Council, as is suggested, it cannot be classified as common good.

Please find attached here the list of deeds we hold for Auchernack which show the title history for the property. The deed which gives the Council rights to the property  is number 41 -  Disposition by Miss Annie Stevens in favour of The Joint County Council of Moray & Nairn recorded GRS (Moray ) 21 July 1950.

The titles are held on the Sasine Register which is a public register and so are exempt under section 25 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002, information otherwise accessible.

[Response updated 28-08-2019 to include list of deeds]

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