FOI Request - Puppy Trade

Request 101002688121

1) Between 1st January 2018 and 31st December 2020:
a. how many puppies/dogs were seized by Trading Standards on suspicion that they were in breach of the Rabies Order 1974;
b. how many of these puppies/dogs were subsequently quarantined; and
c. how many of these puppies/dogs went to a licensed quarantine facility for their quarantine period and how many were quarantined at home?

2) For each calendar year from 1st January 2018 up to 31st December 2020, how many prosecutions has the Local Authority carried out in relation to illegally imported puppies under either:
a. the Rabies Order 1974; or
b. The Non-Commercial Movement of Pet Animals Order 2011; or
c. Other legislation (please state),
and for any prosecutions relating to illegally imported puppies, please state the penalties received by the defendant in the case.

3) For each calendar year from 1st January 2018 up to 31st December 2020:
a. how many reports have you received, either from the general public or anyone else, in relation to the suspected illegal importation of puppies?
b. please confirm how many of these reports have been investigated further. Please provide figures for each year.

Response 15-02-2021

1) a. None
b. N/A
c. N/A

2) a. None
b. None
c. A report was submitted to the Procurator Fiscal in December 2019 with draft charges under the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008.  The charges related to misleading descriptions of puppies in adverts and also disguised business sales. The report also included charges for breaching animal welfare legislation drafted by the SSPCA.  It is not known if the puppies were illegally imported.

3) a. None
b.  N/A

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