FOI Request - Library Membership and E-Services Provision

Request 101002771401

1. Please provide data on active membership of the library service for each year for the period 2016-2021 (for the year 2020/21, please provide all data on usage that you have up to the date you received this request)

2. Please provide annual usage statistics for each year for the period 2016-2021 for your library service for the following digital services.  (For the year 2020/21, please provide all data on usage that you have up to the date you received this request)
a. Electronic books and comics
b. Electronic audio books

Please also provide annual usage statistics for each year for the period 2016-2021 for your library service for physical library loans  

3. Please provide costings for the amounts paid annually to the providers of these services in the same periods
(For Q1-3 please clarify in your answers if the figures refer to the financial or calendar year)

4. Please provide information on any support services offered by your service to help library users access these electronic services (such as tablet or laptop loans, training sessions) and the costings for these

5. What advice is given to library users regarding privacy in use of digital services provided by third parties?

6. Please provide details regarding how the various lockdowns related to COVID have impacted on your library opening hours?

Response 10-05-2021

Please find the requested information attached here

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