FOI Request - New Catering Businesses

Request 101002772768

1.    How many new catering businesses have been registered in your council area in the past 12 months?
2.    How does this compare with the number of new catering businesses registered in your council area in the previous 12 months?
3.    How many of the new catering businesses registered in your council area in the past 12 months are based in a domestic setting?
4.    How does the number of home-based catering businesses registered in your council area in the past 12 months, compare with the number of the home-based catering businesses registered in the previous 12 months?
5.   Are home-based food businesses subject to the same requirements as commercial settings, relating to inspections and hygiene ratings?

Response 12-05-2021

1. 68 premises registered 2020/21

2. 49 premises registered 2019/20

3. 50 based in domestic premises in 2020/21

4. 20 based in domestic premises

5. Home based premises are subject to the same requirements however they do tend to be lower risk. Private addresses are not published .

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