FOI Request - Council Tax Registrations

Request 101002777371

1. Please can you provide a breakdown of the following for each month from January 2019 to present day.
• How many people registered as leaving the local authority for council tax purposes each month?
• How many people registered as joining the local authority for council tax purposes each month?

2. In addition to this,  under section 16 of the act shows a duty to provide advice and assistance where reasonable. I would like to ask for advice on the council’s means of recording residency estimates, and if means other than council tax are used.

Response 12-05-2021

1. To provide the requested information would require individual examination of over 25,000 records and so, in accordance with section 12 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 we are unable to comply with your request due to the excessive cost of compliance.

2. National Records for Scotland is referenced for statistics on Moray's population and households data.

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