FOI Request - Self Directed Support

Request 101002785044

What are the total number of users currently receiving Self directed support for each of the four options?

The four self directed support options are as follows:

- option 1 - a direct payment, which is a payment to a person or third party to purchase their own support.
- option 2 - the person directs the available support.
- option 3 - the local council arranges the support.
- option 4 - a mix of the above.

Response 26-05-2021

The most recent figures are for 2017/18 and are published online here. This information information is therefore exempt under section 25 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002, however for ease of reference please see below:

Moray All ages Option1 233
Moray All ages Option2 226
Moray All ages Option3 908
Moray All ages Option4 153 

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