FOI Request - Kinship Carers

Request 101002820151

Q1) Do kinship carers in your local authority receive extra financial allowance for a) birthdays, b) summer holidays, and c) Christmas holidays

Q2) If yes, what is the financial allowance for a) birthdays, b) summer holidays, and c) Christmas holiday

Q3) Do kinship carers continue to receive extra financial allowance for a) birthdays, b) summer holidays, and c) Christmas holiday for the child following a successful application for residence order

Q4) If yes to question 3, are there any plans or proposals to remove the allowance

Response 06-07-21

Q1) Do kinship carers in your local authority receive extra financial allowance for a) birthdays, b) summer holidays, and c) Christmas holidays
Yes to all

Q2) If yes, what is the financial allowance for a) birthdays, b) summer holidays, and c) Christmas holiday
One weeks allowance for birthday and Christmas and two weeks in summer

Q3) Do kinship carers continue to receive extra financial allowance for a) birthdays, b) summer holidays, and c) Christmas holiday for the child following a successful application for residence order
Yes they do

Q4) If yes to question 3, are there any plans or proposals to remove the allowance
No there are no plans to remove

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