FOI Request - Public Toilets

Request 101002822852

1. How many public toilets were maintained by your council on:
a. April 2015 (or nearest date where records are kept)
b. April 2016 (or nearest date where records are kept)
c. April 2017 (or nearest date where records are kept)
d. April 2018 (or nearest date where records are kept)
e. April 2019 (or nearest date where records are kept)
f. April 2020 (or nearest date where records are kept)
g. April 2021 (or nearest date where records are kept)

2. What was the annual cost of maintaining the public toilets run by your council in the financial year
a.  2015-16
b.  2016-17
c.   2017-18
d.  2018-19
e.  2019-20
f.    2020-21

Response 15-07-21

2015-16 - 31 Sites - total sum £43,409.16
2016-17 - 31 Sites - total sum £47,556.35
2017-18 - 31 Sites - total sum £26,106.81
2018-19 - 31 Sites - total sum £31,537.97
2019-20 - 23 Sites - total sum £16,561.43
2020-21 - 21 sites - total sum £8,891.52

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