FOI Request - Home To School Transport
Request 101002840548
1. Who is your current provider for Home to School Transport Software?
2. What is your current contract end date for Home to School Transport Software?
3. What is your annual spend on Home to School Transport Software?
4. Please can you provide a list, preferably in MS Excel, of any outsourced home to school transport including the company name, phone number and annual expenditure by the council on a company by company basis?
5. Can you confirm the contact details for the responsible officer at the council for Home to School Transport?
Response 03-08-2021
1. Nil - we use a Council developed Access database.
2. Not applicable.
3. Nil.
4. Contact details for the below companies are publicly available and therefore exempt under section 25 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 'information otherwise accessible'. Person names and contact details containing names that are not already publicly available are exempt under section 38(1)(b) of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 'personal information'.
Annual expenditure broken down by company is exempt under section 33(1)(b) of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 as disclosure could substantially prejudice commercial interests. You may wish to view our contract register which lists the total value of contracts awarded.
A and L Clark
A2B Cabs
ACE Taxis
CRM Facilitators
CU There Taxis
Deveron Coaches
Gray's Contract Hire
Elite Taxis
Kineil Coaches
Logan's Minibus Hire
Mayne's Coaches
Moray Taxis
Mundole Taxis
Portknockie Contract Hire
Ronnies Cabs
RS Taxis and Minicoaches
Shearer's Coaches
Spot On Cabs
Stagecoach Bluebird
5. Carole Dawson,