FOI Request - Cyber Security

Request 101002842421

1. How many employees are there within the organisation?
2. Does the organisation provide employees with a cyber-security awareness programme?  
a. If yes, what methods of cyber-security awareness are used?  
b. If no, is this something that the organisation would consider?  
3. How is the effectiveness of cyber-security awareness measured within the organisation?  
a. If it isn’t measured, is there a plan to measure in future? How?  
4. Is there buy-in and support from top level management for cyber-security awareness?  
5. Do you utilise phishing simulation software to test employee’s cyber-security awareness towards phishing emails?  
6. How many phishing attempts have the organisation received in the last year?   
a. Has there been an increase due to the coronavirus pandemic?  

Response 10-08-21

1.            How many employees are there within the organisation?  5040
2.            Does the organisation provide employees with a cyber-security awareness programme?  Not at the moment
a.            If yes, what methods of cyber-security awareness are used?  N/A
b.            If no, is this something that the organisation would consider?  Yes
3.            How is the effectiveness of cyber-security awareness measured within the organisation?  N/A  
a.            If it isn't measured, is there a plan to measure in future? How?  N/A
4.            Is there buy-in and support from top level management for cyber-security awareness?  Yes  
5.            Do you utilise phishing simulation software to test employee's cyber-security awareness towards phishing emails?  Not at the moment
6.            How many phishing attempts have the organisation received in the last year?  This information is not held. This information is therefore exempt under Section 17 of the Freedon of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Information Not Held. 
a.            Has there been an increase due to the coronavirus pandemic?  No evidence to suggest this is the case.

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