FOI Request - Sunbed Parlours and Schools
Request 101002850516
Please send me:
1) How many a) registered, b) licenced and c) total sunbed parlour and tanning centres are there in your local authority area, also providing that information for each of the last five years?
2) How many sunbed parlour and tanning centres a) registrations and b) licensing requests have been rejected in your local authority area in each of the last five years?
3) How many a) primary, b) secondary, c) additional support needs and d) independent schools are there are in your local authority area?
Response 17-08-2021
1. and 2. Sunbed Parlours do not require to be licensed. In this respect we have 2 such premises in our area both of which have been operating since 2006.
3. The requested information is otherwise accessible and is therefore exempt under section 25 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002. For ease of reference please find a link to the Parentzone Scotland web page here.