FOI Request - Municipal Truck Fleets

Request 101002910858

1. The current size of your fleet split by car, van and truck
2. Do you contract out your waste collection services?
3. If you do contract out your waste collection services, who to?
4. Do you use a framework (such as CCS) for your tyre supply?
5. If you do you use a framework for your tyre supply, which one?
6. Do you currently have a tyre management agreement?
7. If you do you currently have a tyre management agreement, who is it with and when does it end?

Response 16-11-21

1. The current size of your fleet split by car, van and truck

This information has been provided in response to other FOI requests and therefore falls under Section 25 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Information otherwise accessible. Please find Fleet information at this link:

2.            Do you contract out your waste collection services?
              No, internal waste and recycling collections

3.            If you do contract out your waste collection services, who to?

4.            Do you use a framework (such as CCS) for your tyre supply?
Yes, Scotland Excel

5.            If you do you use a framework for your tyre supply, which one?
As above, Scotland Excel

6.            Do you currently have a tyre management agreement?
No we have an internal tyre management policy no agreement other than we use recognised national frameworks

7.            If you do you currently have a tyre management agreement, who is it with and when does it end?
See answer to 6 above.

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