FOI Request - Engine Idling FPNs

Request 101002925490

I am submitting an FOI request to find out more about vehicle idling in your council area.

As vehicle idling is an offence against the Road Traffic (Vehicle Emissions) (Fixed Penalty) (Scotland) regulations 2003, I would like to find out about how you enforce this law in your council area.

For background, this is what I am in inquiring about:

Since and including 2017, and broken down by each calendar year (for 2021, please provide data up to the point of the date of receipt of this email), please tell me:

1) How many fixed penalty notices have been issued to motorists for idling their engine unnecessarily?
2) What is the financial cost of each fixed penalty notice? As far as I can tell the standard is £20.

If your council has staff who issue fixed penalty notices, please tell me:
3) Their job titles
4) How many members of staff administer fixed penalty notices to motorists for idling their engine unnecessarily?
5) If your council does not issue fixed penalty notices, can you please tell me who does in your local council area?

Response 03-12-21

1) Nil

2) N/A

3) Moray Council does not have staff who issue fixed penalty notices for engine idling.
4) Nil

5) Under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002, this information is not held. 

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