FOI Request - Allotments

Request 101002983211

As of January 2022, please could you tell me:

1. How many allotment sites are there in your jurisdiction for which the Council has access to waiting list data?
2. What is the total number of plots on these sites?
3. What is the total number of people on waiting lists for these sites?
4. Are any of these waiting lists closed to further applications?
5. How many people left the council ran allotments in 2021?

Response 28-02-2022

The Council do not directly manage any allotments. The Council hold a waiting list of individuals who have expressed an interest in an allotments (typically in areas where there is not currently an allotment). Separately, there is one community-run allotment in Moray which is ran on land that has been leased by the Council. It may have its own separate waiting list managed by the community, which the Council do not have access to. All questions are answered with respect to the Council-held waiting list.

1. Zero (there are no directly Council-run allotments)

2. Zero (there are no directly Council-run allotments)

3. 15

4. No

5. Zero (there are no directly Council-run allotments)

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