FOI Request - Child Protection Investigations

Request 101003053557

For the period starting 1st January 2020 and ending 31st December 2021, for your local authority:

a) How many children and family child protection investigations involved a child with a disability?

b) How many children and families child protection investigations involved concerns about FII (Fabricated or Induced Illness), perplexing presentations or Munchausen syndrome by proxy?

c) How many children and families cases involving concerns about FII (Fabricated or Induced Illness), perplexing presentations or Munchausen syndrome by proxy went to a court hearing?

d) How many children have become 'looked after' in cases involving concerns about FII (Fabricated or Induced Illness), perplexing presentations or Munchausen syndrome by proxy?

Response 18-05-2022

1. How many children and family child protection investigations involved a child with a disability?
a. 30
2. How many children and families child protection investigations concerns about FII (Fabricated or Induced Illness), perplexing presentations or Munchausen syndrome by proxy?
a. Nil response
3. How many children and families cases involving concerns about FII (Fabricated or Induced Illness), perplexing presentations or Munchausen syndrome by proxy went to a court hearing?
a. Nil response
4. How many children have become ‘looked after’ in cases involving concerns about (Fabricated or Induced Illness), perplexing presentations or Munchausen syndrome by proxy?
a. Nil response

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