FOI Request - Council Tax Debts

Request 101003090678

am writing to request information related to the collection of council tax debts via the use of Liability Orders (or Summary Warrants if in Scotland) and related enforcement action. Under the above-mentioned Act I would like you to provide me with the following information please:

For each of the financial years;


Question 1)

How many Court Summons (or Summary Warrants if in Scotland) did your organisation issue for debts relating to Council Tax payments?

Question 2*) *Not applicable to Scotland

How many Liability Orders did your organisation successfully obtain for debts relating to Council Tax payments?

Question 3)

How much total revenue did your organization collect as a result of Bailiffs (or Sheriffs if in Scotland) enforcement action for debts relating to Council Tax payments?

Response 04-07-2022

1. Moray Council produced the following quantities of Council Tax summary warrants. These may not be year specific as warrants may have been issued during these year for other financial years.

2020/21 - 3270
2021/22 - 7428

2. Not applicable

3. Moray Council received the following amounts of Council Tax income from Sheriff Officers. These may not be year specific as income may be been received during these years for other financial years.

2020/21 - £1,456,664
2021/22 - £2,319,164

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