FOI Request - Violence Against Employees By Pupils

Request 101003102292

Under Freedom of Information can you please give me answers to the following questions.

1. How many forms recording incidences of violence against employees by pupils have been filled out in the past academic year?

2. How does this compare to the last full academic year before Covid – 2018-2019?

3. How many forms regarding incidences of violence between pupils have been filled out in the past academic year?

4. How does this compare to the last full academic year before Covid – 2018-2019?

Response 20-07-2022

1. 1429 incident report forms have been received in Council HQ.

2. 1147 incident report forms were received in Council HQ in 2018-19.

3. and 4.  This information is exempt under Section 12 of the Freedom of  Information (Scotland) Act - excessive cost.

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