FOI Request - S11 Homelessness

Request 101003103381

Under FOISA, I am requesting information about your handling of section 11 notices required under Homelessness etc. (Scotland) Act 2003 by your homelessness service. Please provide:
1. Your section 11 handling guidance for staff
1.1 the specific protocol/ guidance it provides staff where the landlord/lender is seeking possession because: a) they are selling the property b) they intend to refurbish c) they intend to live in property or d) a family member intends to live in property
2. The number of s11 notices you have received in each month since Jan 2016
2.1 AND - where possible, the total number in each years where the council has recieved notice because the landlord has raised proceedings for possession because: a) they are selling the property b) they intend to refurbish c) they intend to live in property or d) a family member intends to live in property

For both of the above, please complete the attached excel sheet

3. A copy of the section 11 notice form you require landlords to complete,  
4. Copies of any additional forms you ask landlords to complete - i.e. to request more information about the reasons for issuing the notice (for instance to establish if  a) they are selling the property b) they intend to refurbish c) they intend to live in property or d) a family member intends to live in property)
5. A list of the additional data fields or pieces of information you ask landlords to complete when submitting a section 11 notice

Response 12-08-2022

1. Please find the information you requested here. Some redactions have been made, for example where client case files or specific staff members or their email addresses are shown in images. This information is exempt under section 38(1)(b) of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002, personal information. In addition this document was produced in 2014 and may contain references to processes which have changed.  We intend on reviewing this document in 2023

1.1 This information is exempt – Section 17 information not held
We do not hold this information.  The specific grounds for raising a Section 11 referral is included in the documentation which is prescribed by law (Homelessness etc. (Scotland) Act 2003). Section 11 referrals also relate to different housing sectors/tenures and not just the private sector.  

2. Please find the information you requested here.

2.1 This information is exempt – Section 17 information not held
As per 1.1 above, no such info is contained within a S11.

3. This information is exempt – Section 17 information not held
Whilst some local authorities have a branded or logo version of the form on their website, we have no specific version.  There are multiple generic versions for issuers to use.

4. This information is exempt – Section 17 information not held
No such generic forms exist.

5. This information is exempt – Section 17 information not held
As per 1.1 above, the content of a Section 11 is prescribed by law.  

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