FOI Request - Subject Access Requests- GDPR

Request 101003178649

Can you please provide answers to the following questions relating to Subject Access Requests (SARs)?
1. How many SARs have been made to the council in the last 12 months?
2. How many SAR requests have gone over the allocated calendar month for responding?
3. How many staff deal with responses?
4. On average how many hours are spent dealing with a SAR?
5. Do you have any software to assist with SAR production?
6.  Who has budget responsibility over the costs & resources required to respond to the SARs? Please provide
Direct Email:
Direct Phone Number:

Response 01-12-2022

1. This information is published by the Scottish Information Commissioner. This information is therefore exempt under section 25 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002, information otherwise accessible. You can find the page by following this link:

2. As above

3. SARs are coordinated by a 0.7 post, a member of the relevant department(s) is expected to assist with any required redaction. The Records & Heritage Manager also assists with redaction.

4. 15 hours

5. Adobe Pro can be used to digitally redact small SARs. Please note this is still a manual process.

6. Records & Heritage Manager: Alison Morris. 01343 562633

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