FOI Request - Follow-up Average School Absences

Request 101003190282 

I would like to submit a follow up request to FOI 101003079769 - Average School Absences (%).

At the time of the request above the full data was not available for the year 2021/22.

As such, I would like to submit a new FOI which captures the full data for that academic year.

Therefore can I please be provided with:
1. Average absence rate for pupils at all high schools in your authority, broken down by term, gender and school, for school year 2018/19 and school year 2021/22.

2. The number of children in secondary education in the LA both in 2018/19 and 2021/2022. (UPDATED 30-11-2022)


Clarification sought 30-11-2022

Response 23-12-2022

1. The response to this request can be found here.

2. School rolls are on the Council’s website - This information is therefore exempt under section 25 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002, information otherwise accessible.

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