FOI Request - Fire Door Inspection & Maintenance

Request 101003204619 

In light of the Grenfell Tower tragedy, and the subsequent report in the failings that contributed to its caused, I wanted to request from you the following information in relation to fire door inspection and maintenance across your network of social housing and council buildings:
1. How many fire doors are required for inspection by Moray council?
2. Are all relevant fire doors maintained regularly? If so, how often?
3. Is this a service that is outsourced, or is it conducted by council staff?
4. Given the pending change in legislation- through Regulation 10 - from January in England, and the presumption that this will follow on in Scotland, has Moray Council made any positive changes to their maintenance of fire doors, to ensure safety for all residents, staff and guests?
5. Should you need to increase your level of inspection, would this likely be a service that you outsource, or would you employ specific individuals for this purpose?

Response 31-01-2023

1. Not held. Moray Council does not keep a door asset list for our estate; however, we inspect doors on a site per site basis as part of the Fire Risk Assessment. Information that is not held falls under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Information not held.

2. Fire doors are repaired as soon as defects are noted, further Moray Council Health and Safety Team undertake regular risk assessments of the Corporate Buildings which highlights when repair work is required.

3. The repair and maintenance of our fire doors is managed in house by Asset Management and Health and Safety, with works either undertaken by in- house staff or term contractor.

4. Moray Council has no residential buildings which are classed as high-rise. Moray Council will continue to monitor legislation and guidance from the Scottish Government and ensure that the Council complies with all appropriate legislation in this area.

5. If an increased level of inspection is required, Moray Council would assess the most cost effective way of meeting our legal requirements and progress on that basis.

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