FOI Request - Initial Age Assessment Asylum-Seekers

Request 101003216186

1. Please confirm the number of unaccompanied asylum-seeking children that were accommodated by your local authority whose ages were accepted without further enquiries, excluding National Transfer Scheme (NTS) cases, in the following periods: January 2020-January 2021, January 2021- January 2022, January 2022-present;

2. Please confirm the number of unaccompanied asylum-seeking children that were accommodated by your local authority pending a full age assessment, excluding NTS cases, in the following periods: January 2020-January 2021, January 2021- January 2022, January 2022-present;

3. Please confirm the number of young asylum seekers claiming to be under the age of 18 who were referred to your local authority and were found to be clearly and obviously over the age of 18 and denied support following initial inquiries in the following periods: January 2020-January 2021, January 2021- January 2022, January 2022-present. Please confirm, in how many of these cases, your local authority decided to accommodate the young people following legal challenges and/or reconsideration requests in respect of the initial inquiries.

Response 08-02-2023 

1. -3. None. Information that is not held falls under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Information not held. 

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