FOI Request - Electric Car Charging

Request 101003272973 

Can you please answer the following questions:

1. Do you have chargers installed in any Council office parking areas? If the answer is no, please ignore Q2.  

2. Are the chargers in Council office parking areas available for use by both staff and public?

3. Do you have chargers installed in any Council-owned or Council-operated car parks? If the answer is no, please ignore Q4.

4. Are the chargers in Council car parks available for use by both staff and public?

5. Who owns and pays for the running costs of the chargers mentioned in Qs 1 and 3?

6. Does the Council pay, or make any contribution towards, the running costs of the chargers mentioned in Qs 1 and 3? If the answer is yes, please provide costs for the last 3 financial years.

7. Does the Council pay, or make any contribution towards, the running costs for any chargers sited elsewhere from those mentioned in Qs 1 and 3? If the answer is yes, please provide the costs for the last 3 financial years.
8. Does the Council offer any incentive, or make any contribution, to its staff for having charging points installed in their homes?

Response 10-04-2023

1. Yes

2. The chargers at HQ annexe are available to use by staff from 0800-1800 and then the car park is open to the public outwith those hours.

3. Yes

4. Available for use by both at all times.

5. Moray Council

6. Moray Council pays.

Net Electricity Costs:
19/20 - £7,496
20/21 - £9,858
21/22 - £36,482

7. Information not held. Information that is not held falls under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Information not held.

8. No.

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