FOI Request - Local Plan Policy Map

Request 101003280550

Can you please provide the Local Plan Policies map for the Council? Can you please provide this in shapefile (.shp) format?

Response 14-04-2023

Our Moray Local Development Plan 2020 policies and mapping can be viewed at the following web addresses:

Moray Local Development Plan 2020:

Moray Local Development Plan 2020 Interactive web map:

Moray has a data site for GIS spatial data, please take note of licencing restrictions these may be set at a per dataset level.

GIS spatial data portal

Much of our local plan data can be currently found by searching the portal for "Local Development Plan 2020". The postal allows you to download the data in various formats including shapefile. When choosing to download the data it is always best practice to select "Download Option" and then "Generate new Download with latest data" if this shows as "Download" it will generate a file with the latest data.

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