FOI Request - Foster Care Statistics

Request 101003349784

1. How many people have registered to become a foster carer in the last 3 years? and of this number, how many have quit within 2 years of being registered?

2. What is the average annual cost per young person in residential care of looking after them in placements in the council area, compared with outside the council area? What is the average annual cost per young person in residential care of looking after them in placements in the council area, compared with outside the council area?

3. How many children that are looked after by the council and in residential care in the council area are in accommodation provided by third-party providers? Please provide the address of each facility, the name of each third-party provider, the total amount paid to each provider and the number of young people placed with each provider.

4. How many children that are looked after by the council and in residential care outside the council area are in accommodation provided by third-party providers? Please provide the address of each facility, the name of each third-party provider, the total amount paid to each provider and the number of young people placed with each provider.

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