FOI Request - Adult Social Care Provider Payments

Request 101003350766

1.  Information which shows the length of time that adult social care providers had to wait to receive payment in the most recent financial year for which data is available.

2.  Information which shows, or which could be used to calculate, the total value (in £) of late payments to adult social care providers in the most recent financial year for which data is available.

3.  Information you hold which shows, or which could be used to calculate, the percentage of payments to adult social care providers which were made after the agreed payment date, for the most recent financial year for which data is available?  

Response 31-07-2023

Please note that the response below is based on the available report of provider payments over 30 days payment terms. 

1. There were 2,103 invoices paid to providers outwith normal payment terms and ranged between 33 days to 1,402 days wait. Please note that there are a variety of reasons for late payment, not necessarily due to Council responsibility.

2. Estimate: £26m in 2022/23

3. Estimate: 20.52%

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