FOI Request - Care Rates 2023-24

Request 101003351305

FOI Request for care rates in 2023/24 financial year to date

Please note that regarding care agencies, I am interested in both care providers and the agency staff if possible.  If it isn't possible may I have just the care providers please.

Question 1 - For the current financial year 2023/24, details of the lowest, highest and average rate/fee, paid to care agencies providing domiciliary care for either adults or children

Where applicable please provide those separate rates for:

15 minute calls,
Half hourly calls,
Hourly calls,
Overnight calls

Question 1a - For the current financial year 2023/24, details of the lowest, highest and average rate/fee, paid to care agencies providing specialist needs care for either adults or children.

Where applicable please provide those separate rates for:

15 minute calls,
Half hourly calls,
Hourly calls,
Overnight calls

Response 28-07-2023

Please note, the following figures are for adult services only as there was no information held for children's services.

1. Adults
Highest 25.34
Lowest  15.00
Average 21.41

2. Adults
Highest 25.00
Lowest  18.85
Average 21.38

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