FOI Request - Savings due to Industrial Action by Teachers

Request 101003352139

1. How much money has your council saved because of industrial action by teachers in primary and secondary schools from February 2022 up until the most recent available data? Please include every strike day during that time period. If your council does not track this data please provide an estimate for as wide of a time period as possible.

2. Has your council decided what to do with the money saved due to industrial action by teachers in primary and secondary schools? If so, how will the money be used?

Response 27-07-2023

1. The requested information has been published in response to a previous request and is therefore exempt under section 25 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 ' information otherwise accessible'. For ease of reference please find a link to the web page here.

2. The saving has gone into general reserves.

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