FOI Request - Child Protection Investigations

Request 101003352913

1.  Under FOI, could I please request figures for all cases, in each of the last three calendar years, in which child protection investigations have commenced, where a matter to be investigated related to a child's gender identity.

This would include, for example, cases in which concerns had been raised over parents/guardians declining to affirm a child's gender identity. Please include cases where this was an issue to be investigated, even if there were other issues which were also raised as a concern.

2.  Please provide the total number of such cases in 2023 (to date), 2022, and 2021.

3.  Please also provide the number of these investigations which led to the child being placed on the child protection register, and the number of these cases in which the child was taken into the care of the local authority, and the number of these cases which are still open/under investigation.

Response 12-07-2023

We do not know of any cases (past or present) were child protection investigations have commenced, where a matter to be investigated related to a child's gender identity.

Not held. Information that is not held falls under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Information not held.

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