FOI Request - Data Request near Aultmore

Request 101003360752

As part of our assessment, we are interested in any information Moray Council holds regarding the following:

1. Flood Risk Information
•             Details of any existing and proposed flood defence measures in the area and information regarding the impact of these defences on flood water levels (if applicable);
•             Any information held on historic flood events in this area, including date, extent of flooding and flood water levels (if available);
•             Any information on the risk of groundwater flooding and surface water drainage flooding in this area together with records of any historic incidents.

2. Private Water Supplies (PWS)
Could you please provide details of any PWS within or near to the search area, including the source (i.e. groundwater, spring, watercourse) and location of the abstraction (as a grid reference ideally) and the number of properties it supplies, if known.

3. Historic Landfills
Information regarding any historic landfills in the search area. We would be grateful if you could supply us with any information regarding the areas and times of disposal, the nature of disposal and wastes involved.

4. Nearby Proposed Significant Developments Any summary information (e.g. planning application number, development activity) of proposed or recently approved significant developments (i.e. quarries, mines, roads, water treatment works, windfarms, hydropower schemes, etc.) registered within the search area.

Response 10-08-2023

1. There are two small surface water flood defences at Newmills and Arradoul, these only protect a small number of houses. If specific details are required please provide additional information. There are no records of any flood events within the search area since the flood defences were built.

2. Please see the attached list of private water supplies in your search area. If you require further information on individual sources please contact our Private Water Supplies Team via email .

Reg 2 are supplies that are commercial (including private lets), or they supply more than 50 persons. Category B are non-commercial with less than 50 persons.

NOTE: The location data we hold for the private water supplies is not 100% accurate; eastings and northings can be out, but we are currently working on improving these using GPS surveys. Unfortunately, I cannot provide a figure on the accuracy and some sources may just be located in the general area of the property served. Sources within an additional ‘Plus1km’ buffer are included in the list to cover this eventuality.

The spreadsheet may contain multiple records for the same source reference, this may be where either multiple source abstractions points are located or there are other private water supply infrastructure located e.g. storage tanks. The location Type indicates the type: A or A1 etc = Source, B or B1 etc = supply infrastructure, U or U1 etc = unused supply infrastructure. Sites marked with "Y" confirmed are for sites where we have visited site and obtained more accurate locations. The list does not include historic private water supplies. The data is provided based on the best information available to the council at the time of writing.

Further private water supply information can be obtained from the link below, along with access to our register of sources.

Disclaimer. Moray Council will not accept any liability for any costs incurred by the recipient or by any third parties arising from or as a result of any inaccuracies in the information provided by us in relation to the location of a particular Private Water Supply. Recipients are asked to note that the information provided will be taken from information provided by Private Water Supply Users, the accuracy or otherwise of which may not have been verified by the Council.

3.  If landfill defined as burial of waste materials in holes in the ground, the nearest known landfills are at Keith and Buckie. However, there is a surface refuse tip at Newmill centred on NGR 343007 851907 (see 1975 Ordnance Survey map). No further details are available for this site.

4. The information requested can be found here.

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