FOI Request - School Absences

Request 101003362430

1. Over the past three academic years, how many fines / penalty notices have been issued either by the local authority or a school in your area, to parents or guardians in relation to their child or children's school attendance?

2. Over the past three academic years, how much money has been collected through fines / penalty notices issued in relation to school attendance?

3. Over the past three academic years, how many Parenting Orders, Education Supervision Orders and School Attendance Orders have been issued to parents or guardians in relation to their child or children's school attendance?

4. Over the past three academic years, how many prosecutions have been pursued in your area due to school absenses?

Response 30-08-2023

1. - 4. Not held. Information that is not held falls under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Information not held.

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