FOI Request - Dementia Care Costs

Request 101003362657

1. Care costs

a.  Could you please provide a breakdown of typical charges per week to a member of the public for a council procured care home (assuming no discounts are applicable). Please include the weekly costs for residential care, nursing care and nursing care with dementia.

b.   If the historic costs are held by the council, could you please detail how these costs have changed year on year since 2018.

c.  The typical cost that would be charged to a member of the public, for an hour of home care procured by the council (assuming no discounts are applicable). Please, if possible, also detail the changes to these costs year on year since 2018.

2.  Care use

a.  Please provide the total number of people within the local authority with dementia receiving day care by year from January 2018 up to July 2023.

b.  Please provide the total number of people within the local authority with dementia receiving home care by year from January 2018 up to July 2023.

3.  Capacity

a.  Provide the total number of capacity assessments for adults with dementia carried out within the local authority from January 2018 up to July 2023. Please break this information down by month.

4.  Independent advocacy services

a.  How many independent advocacy services are available to patients with dementia within the local authority? Please supply this information by year from January 2018 up to July 2023.

b.  If the information is available, please supply the number of residents with dementia and/or their carers who have accessed these advocacy services.

c.  Please detail the support in accessing these services provided by the council to people with dementia/their carers.

5.  Telecare

Could you please provide the following information in relation to Technology Enabled Care services:

a.  Total number of new recipients of these services from January 2018 up to July 2023 by year.

b.  If the information is held, please breakdown the above by users with dementia.

c.  The total figure of households within the council area receiving these services.

d.  If the information is held, please breakdown the above by users with dementia.

e.  Average wait for assessment for technology enabled care solutions in the local authority.


Response 15-08-2023

1a) 2023/24
Average £193.93


Average £193.93

Average £192.27

Average £182.22

Average £186.27

Average £179.76

Average £175.71

c) No charge for personal care if aged 65 or over 

Average £20.44

Costs year on year since 2018:

Average £16.78

Average £17.19

Average £17.52

Average £18.42

Average £18.81

Average £19.78


  Jan18 - Jul19 Aug19-Jul20 Aug20-Jul21 Aug21-Jul22 Aug22-Jul23
Day Care 154 106   36   44   43
Home Care 290 147 156 118 104


3. Not held. We do not record capacity assessments on our system. Information that is not held falls under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Information not held. 

4. a) 1 contracted provider

b) 2019-22  65 people with dementia accessed the service Carers do not receive a service from advocacy provider

c) Advocacy is contained with care and support plans, information distributed to all care homes, doctors' surgeries, part of all strategy planning and documentation.

5. a) Total number of new TEC recipients/households per year:

2018 386
2019 377
2020 340
2021 403
2022 330
2023 239

b) - e) Not held. Information that is not held falls under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Information not held. 

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