FOI Request - Electric Vehicle Information

Request 101003363346

1. The number of electric cars your local authority has along with their make and model and if they are leased or owned.

2. For leasing arrangements, when was the deal taken out, who is it with and how much was it (including monthly or annual fee) and how long has it left to run. Please also detail the current mileage on each vehicle.

3. For purchasing... when were the purchases made and what was the cost. Please also detail the current mileage on each vehicle.

Response 17-08-2023

1. 15  - please refer to table below. 

2. Not applicable. 


Make Model Leased/Owned When purchased Current mileage
VAUXHALL CORSA - E Owned Feb-23 2988
VAUXHALL CORSA - E Owned Feb-23 1660
VAUXHALL CORSA - E Owned May-23 2013
VAUXHALL CORSA - E Owned Feb-23 2220
VAUXHALL CORSA - E Owned Feb-23 2007
VAUXHALL CORSA - E Owned Aug-20 12755
VAUXHALL CORSA - E Owned Aug-20 5509
VAUXHALL CORSA - E Owned Aug-20 11929
VAUXHALL CORSA - E Owned Sep-20 14057
VAUXHALL CORSA - E Owned Oct-20 14622
VAUXHALL CORSA - E Owned Nov-20 13950
VAUXHALL CORSA - E Owned Dec-20 15096
VAUXHALL CORSA - E Owned Jan-21 17124
VAUXHALL CORSA - E Owned Dec-20 6485
VAUXHALL CORSA - E Owned Nov-20 14613

The purchase price is considered commercially sensitive information and is therefore exempt under Section 33(1)(b) of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002- Commercial Sensitivity where disclosure would be likely to prejudice substantially the commercial interests of any person.

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