FOI Request - Commissioning Arrangements for Home Care

Request 101003363584

1.    What current commissioning arrangements are in place (i.e SPOT, framework/dynamic purchasing system)

2.    Number of providers that you contract with and under which arrangement (i.e SPOT, framework)

3.    When do these expire

4.    How many hours and packages are commissioned per week and under which arrangement (i.e SPOT, framework)

5.    What is the call off process (i.e how is work awarded)

6.    Rates that you pay (please state range and average hourly rate)

7.    If there are any enhancements(i.e extra for weekends) please specify

8.    Number of live in packages commissioned

9.    Rates that you pay for these

10.  Do you have a need for new providers at present?

11.  What, if any are your minimum prerequisites for new providers

12.  Where are your opportunities advertised?

13.  What is the name and contact details for the lead
commissioner, if these cannot be shared how does a provider contact Commissioners for advice and support?

Response 15-08-2023

1. There is a standalone contract for the externally commissioned delivery of care at home. The specification suggests that the capacity required to meet the needs of the population is 19800 hours per month,  but that this will be subject to variation based upon the demands placed upon the system.

2. The contract is with a single provider

3. The current contract runs until October 31st 2024, with an option to extend for a further two 12 month periods

4. Week of 03/08/2023 – 18,268 hrs

5. There is a twice weekly operational hub meeting, where the provider and internal services are able to highlight any availability to take on additional work through a brokerage arrangement

6. £20.44 per hour

7. None

8. 0

9. Not applicable

10. There is a limited choice for people who wish to choose who delivers their care under the different SDS options. We are looking at ways in which we can improve that choice through alternative procurement methods.

11. They must register with the Care Inspectorate and have appropriate training and induction in place.

12. New contract would be advertised via PCS but tender project would be processed via PCST

13. The current provider would come to their assigned Commissioning Officer via They also have contacts for the social work team if it is client specific.

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