FOI Request - Removal of War Memorials

Request 101003364617

1.  Does the Council have any policies in place to protect war memorials should they need to be relocated from either a publicly owned or private property?

2. Is the Council aware of any buildings that have removed war memorials without seeking local authority consent?

3.  Has the Council relocated any war memorials to a public building for prosperity purposes?

4.  How much does it cost, on average, to relocate a war memorial within the local authority area?

5.  Has the Council utilised its own community facilities to ensure war memorials are accessible for members of the public?

Response 16-08-2023

1. No, but any planning applications for works to relocate memorials would require to be subject to consultation with the Commonwealth War Graves Commission, responsible for the care and maintenance of war graves and commemorations and any comments provided would be taken into account as material considerations.
For memorials that are located within cemeteries listed within the Aberdeenshire Historic Environment Records, designated for their local heritage interest, applications would also be subject to assessment against planning policy EP8 Historic Environment which seeks to protect sites of local archaeological importance.   

2. None. 

3. No. 

4. Not applicable.

5. A list of  War Memorials owned by the Council can be found on the Moray Council website. This information is therefore exempt under section 25 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002, information otherwise accessible. For ease of reference please find a link to the web page here: 

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