FOI Request - Accommodation for Homeless Households

Request 101003365588

1. How much money the council has paid to hotels, hostels, bed and breakfasts and guest houses for use as temporary or emergency accomodation for homeless households in the last four full financial years. (Note: if you are unable to provide data for 2022/23, please take the previous four full financial years i.e. 2018/19 to 2021/22)

2. How many households the council has placed in hotels, hostels, bed and breakfasts, and guest houses in the last four full financial years. (Note: if you are unable to provide data for 2022/23, please take the previous four full financial years i.e. 2018/19 to 2021/22)

3. How long each household spent in the hotel, hostel, bed and breakfast or guest house placed in by the council before being placed in a self-contained housing (eg. a flat or house) or before the council discharged their housing duty.

4. A list of the hotels, hostels, bed and breakfasts and guest houses the council has used to house households in the last four full financial years.

a) Please ensure that the response is clear where the same provider has been used in more than one financial year.

Response 101003365588


2022/23 £46,103.71
2021/22 £0.00
2020/21 £2,871.71
2019/20 £0.00


2022/23 114
2021/22 0
2020/21 16
2019/20 0


2022/23 Households stayed in this type of accommodation ranging from between 1 day to 35 days. The average stay being 12.3 days. Total accumulative days - 782.
2021/22 N/a
2020/21 Households stayed in this type of accommodation ranging from between 1 day to 12 days. The average stay being 5.3 days. Total accumulative days - 64.
2019/20 N/a

4. This is considered commercially sensitive information and is therefore exempt under Section 33(1)(b) of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002- Commercial Sensitivity where disclosure would be likely to prejudice substantially the commercial interests of any person.

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