FOI Request - Data on Safe Spaces

Request 101003365815

I have been assigned a research task concerning smoke and aerosol free environment (SAFE) spaces and I am looking for data concerning this subject.

1. One of the main areas I am concerned with is Housing. I am trying to establish how many established policies for smoke-free communal spaces exist across Scotland in tenancy agreements and within local authorities.

2. It may also be useful to know the number of enquiries received about smoke drift, second-hand smoke, and smoking in communal spaces, and numbers of resolved enquiries vs unresolved enquiries.

Response 17-08-2023

1. We do not have policies for smoke-free communal spaces or anything specific within the tenancy agreement.

2. We do not keep records of the number of enquiries received about smoke drift, second-hand smoke, and smoking in communal spaces.

Information that is not held falls under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Information not held.

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