FOI Request - Early Years Data

Request 101003366602

If your authority does not have manage maintained nursery schools, please disregard the whole request.

1. Provide a list of a head of department contact who manages 'Early Years', the list should include their name and email address.

2. Provide a list of 'Maintained Nursery Schools' operating with a deficit.

3. If any 'Maintained Nursery Schools' have been discussed of possible closure, or ear marked for closure, please list them.

Clarification sought and received 01-08-2023

Response 24-08-2023

1. This information is published and available on the Moray Council website. It is therefore exempt under section 25 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002, information otherwise accessible. For ease of reference please find a link to the web page here:

2. Cullen & Pilmuir overspent their budget

3. None of the local authority nurseries have been discussed for closure.

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