FOI Request - Online Learning in Secondary Schools

Request 101003367734

I am looking into the use of online learning in secondary schools and would like to submit an FOI request. I have attached a spreadsheet that I would ask you to complete for each secondary school in your local authority. The spreadsheet has drop-down menus to make things as clear as possible and a notes section for each entry if required. A distinction is made between provision from e-sgoil and 'other' providers - these would include private companies, colleges, or even other schools, so long as it is not being provided through the e-sgoil system.

Response 20-09-2023

Only 4 of our secondary schools have online learning. Buckie High, Elgin Academy, Keith Grammar & Milne's High do not.

Please find here the information linked for Elgin High, Forres Academy, Lossiemouth High and Speyside High.

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