EIR Request - Proposed Simpson Malt, Rothes, Aberlour

Request 101003369356 

We are compiling desktop information and would like to know if you hold any information pertinent to our investigation.  More specifically we would like to know the following:

1. Is the site registered as Contaminated Land under Part IIA of the Environmental Protection Act 1990?
2. Has the site been included/prioritised for inspection in the Council's Contaminated Land Strategy?
3. Do you hold any reports on site investigations at the site or within 100m?
4. Are there any current/former landfills located within 250m of the site? If so, please provide any additional details (e.g. location, dates when operational, types/volumes of waste, gas monitoring info etc.)
5. Are there any buried fuel tanks within the proximity of the site that the council is aware of?

The above list should not be considered exhaustive. If possible, any pertinent geo-environmental information should be supplied.

Response 11-08-2023

Answers in respect of Greens of Rothes site that was the subject of the Simpsons Malt planning application 21/1901/EIA:

1. No
2. No
3. No
4. There is an area of infilled ground between the two former railway lines (around NGR 327890 849760) - this is early 20th century, mainly ash and construction/demolition materials. The southern part of this area was investigated in 2006 as part of the Rothes Flood Alleviation Scheme but the reports do not contain gas monitoring data.
5. No

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